Glen Ridge

Frequently Asked Questions

Administration How do I contact Glen Ridge?

How do I get to the Municipal Building?

What is the Service Request Center (SRC)?

What are the regulations for Garage Sales?

Where are Municipal Codes & Ordinances?

Where is the closest Hospital/Emergency Room?

How do I obtain a Landscaping Permit?

What is the Glen Ridge Historical Society?

How do I get permission to Film in Glen Ridge?

How do I obtain a Dog License?

Building Department How do I obtain a Certificate of Occupancy?

What is the Historic Preservation Commission?

What type of work requires a Building Permit?

Is a permit required for a Retaining Wall?

When are Inspections performed and how do I schedule one?

What do I need to install a Fence on my property?

Tax & Water How do I make Online Payments?

Vital Statistics How do I obtain a Birth, Death or Marriage Certificate?

Recreation How do I arrange to rent the Glen Ridge Train Station (Senior-Community Center) for an event?

How do I obtain a permit to use a Glen Ridge Athletic Field or other recreation facility?

What recreation programs are available to Glen Ridge senior citizens?

Does Glen Ridge provide transportation services for senior citizens?

Does the Glen Ridge Recreation Department offer a Summer Day Camp program?

What is the Friday Night Rec program?

How do I register my kids for youth sports?

Where is the Community Pool?

Forestry How do I get Public Trees inspected, pruned or removed?

Public Safety What are the rules for Parking in Glen Ridge?

Can I park my vehicle on the street overnight?

I'm renovating my home and need to get a dumpster. Do I need a permit? Can I place the dumpster on the street?

Am I required to register my home alarm with the Police Department? Do I get charged for false alarms?

I'm going on vacation for a week and will be out of the area. Can the police check my home while I am away?

How do I report a crime?

Do I have to come to the police station to make a report?

Can I file a police report over the phone?

Can the police help me with a dispute with my landlord?

Why does it take Officers longer to respond to some calls than others?

Why don't I see more Officers patrolling my neighborhood?

What is the Police Department doing about getting drunk drivers off our streets?

Does the Police Department ever contact citizens asking for donations over the phone?

Why do the 9-1-1 Operators ask so many questions when I call?

Is there a waiting period before I can report somebody as a missing person?

Is the Glen Ridge Police Department Hiring?

I am applying for a job that requires me to be fingerprinted with ink. Can the Glen Ridge Police Department assist me?

How to obtain a letter of good standing?

What should I do if I'm pulled over by the police?

I received a parking ticket and forgot to pay it. As a result, I received a notice in the mail stating that there is an active warrant for my arrest. What should I do?

I am upset with the way an officer treated me on a motor vehicle stop. How do I file a complaint against the officer?

I want to apply for a firearms permit, who do I speak with and what forms do I need to complete?

I need to obtain a driving abstract for a prospective employer. Can the Police Department provide me with a copy?

I would like to volunteer to be on the Juvenile Conference Committee. Who do I have to speak with and is there any training involved?

What are some of the community policing programs offered by the Glen Ridge Police Department?

I would like to report a crime tip, but I want to remain anonymous, how do I do so?

The Police Department responded to my home the other day and I would like to recognize an Officer for a great job with handling the situation, how do I do so?

My child just received their probationary license and is subject to the Graduated Driver's License restrictions, where can I obtain more information?

Can I leave a house key at the Police Department in case I ever get locked out of my home?

Is there a Borough Ordinance regarding the removal of snow from my property?

Does the Glen Ridge Police Department have anyone that can help me install a car seat in my vehicle?

I want to enhance the security of my home, but don't know where to start. Does the Glen Ridge Police Department have any Officers that could help me with this?

I would like to volunteer for the Domestic Violence Response Team. Who should I contact?

Does the Glen Ridge Police Department offer a community alert program that would notify me in case of an emergency?

Can I place a POD on the street?

I have unused prescription medications that I would like to dispose of, how can I get rid of them?

I just inherited a firearm and I would like to dispose of it. What can I do?

Public Safety Information for Ashenfelter 8K Race

Public Works When is Garbage/Recycling picked up?

When is Bulk Waste picked up?

When are Leaves picked up?

What are Snow Removal rules and restrictions?

What is Single Stream Recycling?

When is the next Household Hazardous Waste Collection Day?

When is the next Computer and Electronics Recycling Day?