Glen Ridge


Step 1: Visit the following website. You MUST enter the site address as follows:

Step 2: Input Glen Ridge’s ORI # NJ0070800.

Step 3: Complete the online application. When completing the application you will need the email addresses of two (2) reputable references. The FARS system will automatically email the reference questionnaire. Your references can be family members.   The on-line application is applicant driven.  Please ensure that you have entered accurate information for yourself and your references.  **FAILURE TO ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS OR ENTERING INACCURATE INFORMATION WILL RESULT IN THE DELAY OR DENIAL OF YOUR APPLICATION.**

Initial New Jersey Firearms Identification Card Applicants must schedule a fingerprinting appointment.  You will be directed to Input Service Code 2F164B and complete the application to schedule an appointment to be fingerprinted. Ensure to input all information the same as the initial application, to avoid processing delays.

Step 4: Contact the Detective Bureau to arrange payment for your Firearms Identification Card and/or Pistol Purchase Permits. Non-refundable payment is required to be made prior to the completion of the background as per NJAC 13:54-1.4.
Upon completion of your application, a detective will contact you to retrieve your Firearms Identification Card and/or Handgun Purchase Permit