Glen Ridge

Back to School Safety Tips

The summer has ended and a new school year begins. For some children it is a time to return to their classroom, renew old friendships and to meet new friends. For other students it means going to a different school, excited and eager to face a new time in their life or perhaps with some reservation.

As the children are heading back to school, during the early mornings roads become crowded with pedestrians, bikes and cars in the rush to work and school.

It is important to help the children get to and from school safely, here are some tips for our residents:

  • Work out a safe route to your school with your children.
  • Walk with a friend, never alone.
  • Never talk to strangers or accept rides or gifts from strangers.
  • If you see anyone doing anything that makes you uneasy tell your parents or a teacher.
  • Always cross at the corner. Parents should set an example for their children.
  • When you are traveling in your car be sure to observe the speed limits in school zones.
  • Drop off your children in a safe place, avoiding areas that congest traffic.
  • Do not stop in traffic to discharge your children.
  • Never call your child to your car from the opposite side of the street. Always cross at the corner.
  • If you have special needs contact someone at the school and alert the police department to assist you.
  • If you ride your bike, always wear a helmet and lock your bike with a sturdy lock.

For further information and interactive safety learning tips parents may log onto

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact please contact our Juvenile Aid Detective at 973-748-8400 extension 120 or e-mail at