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  Glen Ridge  

Council Agenda

ADJOURNED Meeting Of The Mayor And Council
Monday , January 4, 2021 - 6:30PM

The Borough of Glen Ridge considers the health and welfare of our residents' paramount and has taken the following measure in order to ensure the safety of the public:

Take notice that the ADJOURNED Meeting of the Mayor and Borough Council to be held on Monday , January 4, 2021 - 6:30PM will be held via conference call due to the Public Health Crisis COVID-19.  The call in number is 351-888-6756.

MAYOR Call The Meeting To Order
MAYOR Pledge Of Allegiance
MAYOR Reading Of The Sunshine Statement
CLERK Roll Call
CLERK Presentation Of Written Communications
Communications delivered directly to the Municipal Clerk to present to the Mayor and Council
MAYOR Comments of the Mayor
MAYOR Comments of the Public
MORROW Resolution No. 165-20 - Appreciation of Service

The Board of Adjustment

James Ashenfelter

MAYOR If there is no further business to come before this Council - I will entertain a MOTION to adjourn this meeting SINE DIE.

MURPHY Mr. Mayor, I move that this meeting be adjourned SINE DIE.

SECONDED By - Councilperson -
MAYOR I declare this meeting ADJOURNED and announce that The Borough Council will reconvene immediately following the SWEARING-IN Ceremony.

ANNUAL Meeting of The Mayor and Council
Monday , January 4, 2021 - 7:00PM

The Borough of Glen Ridge considers the health and welfare of our residents' paramount and has taken the following measure in order to ensure the safety of the public:

Take notice that the ANNUAL Meeting of the Mayor and Borough Council to be held on Monday , January 4, 2021 - 7:00PM will be held via conference call due to the Public Health Crisis COVID-19.  The call in number is 351-888-6756.

CLERK Request that COUNCILOR ELECT DAVID LEFKOVITS present himself to The Clerk for the purpose of subscribing to The OATH Of Office.

CLERK Request that COUNCILOR ELECT DEBORAH MANS present himself to The Clerk for the purpose of subscribing to The OATH Of Office.

CLERK Request that DEPUTY ADMINISTRATOR ERIK DE LINE present himself to The Clerk for the purpose of subscribing to The OATH Of Office.

MAYOR Call The Meeting To Order

MAYOR Read The Sunshine Statement

CLERK Call The Roll

MAYOR Proclamation - Daniel T. Murphy

MANS Mr. Mayor, I nominate COUNCILOR ________ to serve as The Council PRESIDENT of The Borough Council for the year 2021.

HUGHES Resolution No. 1-21 - BY-LAWS - Adopts By Laws for Mayor and Council for 2021

MAYOR I hereby appoint the following to the 2021 STANDING COMMITTEES of The Borough Council, the first named on each Committee shall serve as that Committee's Chairperson:

FINANCE & ADMINISTRATION Committee: HUGHES, Morrow & Lisovicz
PUBLIC SAFETY Committee: LISOVICZ, Morrow & Hughes
PARKS & RECREATION Committee: LAW, Lisovicz & Mans
PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT Committee: MORROW, Lefkovits & Law

MAYOR With the advice and consent of The Borough Council, I appoint JOHN N. MALYSKA, ESQ. of Meyner Landis to the position of MUNICIPAL ATTORNEY for the term of one (1) year.

LISOVICZ Resolution No. 2-21 - APPOINTMENT - Approve and Confirm the Mayor's Appointment of Municipal Attorney

MAYOR With the advice and consent of The Borough Council, I appoint Mark A. Clemente, Esq. to the position of MUNICIPAL JUDGE for the term of three ( 3 ) year.

LISOVICZ Resolution No. 3-21 - APPOINTMENT - Approve and Confirm the Mayor's Appointment of Municipal Judge

MAYOR With the advice and consent of The Borough Council, I appoint the following to serve as OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES of the Borough of Glen Ridge and members of the various BOARDS, COMMISSIONS AND COMMITTEES: (Please see the attached appointment list)

MORROW Resolution No. 4-21 - APPOINTMENTS - Approve and confirm The Mayor's Appointments

MANS Resolution No. 5-21 - MEETING SCHEDULE - Mayor and Council Meeting Schedule For 2021

MANS Resolution No. 6-21 - HOLIDAYS - Official Municipal Holidays For 2021

HUGHES Resolution No. 7-21 - BUDGET - Adopts 2021 Temporary Budgets:

Administrative, Water & Pool

HUGHES Resolution No. 8-21 - BUDGET - Approval of 2021 PETTY CASH

MAYOR Address To The Citizens.

ADMINISTRATOR Address To The Citizens.

MAYOR Remarks From The Citizens.

MAYOR If there is no further business or remarks to come before this Council, I will entertain a MOTION to ADJOURN this meeting.

LAW Mr. Mayor, I move that this meeting be ADJOURNED.

SECONDED By - Councilperson -

MAYOR I declare this meeting is hereby ADJOURNED.