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  Glen Ridge  

Council Agenda

ADJOURNED Meeting Of The Mayor And Council
January 7, 2019 (6:30pm)
MAYOR Call The Meeting To Order
MAYOR Salute The Flag
MAYOR Read Of The Sunshine Statement
MORROW Resolution No. 166-18 - (Appreciation Of Service - The HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION )


SECONDED By - Councilperson LEFKOVITS - Roll Call

LEFKOVITS Resolution No. 167-18 - (Appreciation Of Service - The HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION)

Daniel KOPEC

SECONDED By - Councilperson HUGHES - Roll Call

MANS Resolution No. 168-18 - (Appreciation Of Service - The PLANNING BOARD)


SECONDED By - Councilperson MORROW - Roll Call

HUGHES Resolution No. 169-18 - (CLAIMS - Approval Of)

SECONDED By - Councilperson MANS - Roll Call

MAYOR If there is no further business to come before this Council - I will entertain a MOTION to adjourn this meeting SINE DIE.

MORROW Mr. Mayor, I move that this meeting be adjourned SINE DIE.

SECONDED By - Councilperson LEFKOVITS - Roll Call
MAYOR I declare this meeting ADJOURNED and announce that The Borough Council will reconvene immediately following the SWEARING-IN Ceremony.

ANNUAL Meeting Of The Mayor And Council
January 7, 2019 (7:00pm)
MAYOR Call The Meeting To Order

MAYOR Read The Sunshine Statement

CLERK Call The Roll

MORROW Mr. Mayor, I nominate COUNCILPERSON ________ to serve as The Council PRESIDENT of The Borough Council for the year 2019.

SECONDED By - Councilperson MANS - Roll Call

MANS Resolution No. 1-19 - (BY-LAWS - Adopting for 2019)

SECONDED By - Councilperson HUGHES - Roll Call

MAYOR I hereby appoint the following to The STANDING Committees of The Borough Council for the year 2019: ( the first named on each Committee shall serve as that Committee's Chairperson )

FINANCE & ADMINISTRATION Committee: HUGHES, Lisovicz & Murphy
PUBLIC SAFETY Committee: LISOVICZ, Morrow & Hughes
PARKS & RECREATION Committee: MURPHY, Lisovicz & Mans
PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT Committee: MORROW, Murphy & Lefkovits

MAYOR With the advice and consent of The Borough Council, I appoint John N. Malyska of Meyner Landis to the position of Borough ATTORNEY for the term of one (1) year.

LEFKOVITS Resolution No. 2-19 - (Approve and confirm The Mayor's Appointment)

SECONDED By - Councilperson MANS - Roll Call

MAYOR With the advice and consent of The Borough Council, I appoint Elizabeth A. BREWSTER, Esq. to the position of Municipal Court PROSECUTOR for the term of one ( 1 ) year.

HUGHES Resolution No. 3-19 - (Approve and confirm The Mayor's Appointment)

SECONDED By - Councilperson MORROW - Roll Call

MAYOR With the advice and consent of The Borough Council, I appoint Delia J. MURPHY, Esq. to the position of Municipal Court PUBLIC DEFENDER for the term of one ( 1 ) year.

LEFKOVITS Resolution No. 4-19 - (Approve and confirm The Mayor's Appointment)

SECONDED By - Councilperson MANS - Roll Call

MAYOR With the advice and consent of The Borough Council, I appoint the following to serve as OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES of the Borough of Glen Ridge and members of the various BOARDS, COMMISSIONS AND COMMITTEES: (Please see the attached appointment list)

MORROW Resolution No. 5-19 - (Approve and confirm The Mayor's Appointments)

SECONDED By - Councilperson MANS - Roll Call

MANS Resolution No. 6-19 - (MAYOR And COUNCIL Meetings For 2019)

SECONDED By - Councilperson LEFKOVITS - Roll Call

LEFKOVITS Resolution No. 7-19 - (Official Municipal HOLIDAYS For 2019)

SECONDED By - Councilperson HUGHES - Roll Call

HUGHES Resolution No. 8-19 - (Adopts 2019 Temporary Budgets - Administrative - Water - Pool)

SECONDED By - Councilperson LEFKOVITS - Roll Call

LEFKOVITS Resolution No. 9-19 - (PETTY CASH - Approval Of )

SECONDED By - Councilperson MORROW - Roll Call

MAYOR Address To The Citizens.

MAYOR Remarks From The Citizens.

MAYOR If there is no further business or remarks to come before this Council, I will entertain a MOTION to ADJOURN this meeting.

MURPHY Mr. Mayor, I move that this meeting be ADJOURNED.

SECONDED By - Councilperson MANS - Roll Call

MAYOR I declare this meeting is hereby ADJOURNED.